Ya se disputaron dos jornadas y restan por jugarse
otras tres, en el Naciones Europeo 2018,
pero ya se destacan como favoritos para
la conquista del cetro, Inglaterra, el doble campeón saliente e Irlanda, el
principal desafiante. En la segunda fecha del sábado Inglaterra tuvo que
batallar como anfitrión en la Catedral del rugby, Twickenham para superar a
Gales por estrecho 12-6. Irlanda dio cuenta de Italia en el templo del
Lansdowne Road de Dublín, por contundente 56-19.
Ambos suman 9 puntos, por delante de Gales con
6, Escocia 4, Francia 2 e Italia 0. En la primera jornada de hace dos semanas,
a Irlanda le costó ganarle a Francia en el Stade de France de París por 13-15
con drop en tiempo de descuento (83’) del apertura Jonathan Sexton. Mientras
que Inglaterra en su visita al Olímpico de Roma, trituró a Italia por 46-15
poniendo de relieve que ambos pretendientes al trono tienen plantel para
cambios de la misma jerarquía e incluso con mayor juego que el titular. Gales tuvo
dos situaciones muy claras para poder dar vuelta el partido pero Scott Williams
no llegó a apoyar por centímetros en la primera; luego, una patada al fondo
salió un segundo antes que Evans llegara. Inglaterra logró un triunfo vital por
el tricampeonato. Irlanda no dejó dudas en Dublin y goleó a Italia por 56-19 con
una sólida actuación, dominando el encuentro y cuando sintió que el resultado
estaba sellado movió el banco y le dio chances a la visita para descontar con
tres ensayos tras el parcial de 42-0. Con arranque arrollador, Irlanda necesitó
de 20 minutos para ponerse arriba con tries de Robbie Henshaw, Conor
Murray y el neozelandés Bundee Aki. El wing
Keith Earls apoyó la cuarta conquista para que
el primer tiempo finalice 28-0 a favor del local. En la segunda mitad, a los 4’
Henshaw interceptó un pase del octavo argentino Sergio Parisse y marcó el
quinto try. El centro se lesionó en la jugada y debió abandonar el campo, pero
además dejó la sensación que el partido estaba liquidado. Así también lo
entendió su entrenador, el neozelandés Joe Smidt que a los 51’ reemplazó a la pareja de
medios: Conor Murray-Jonathan Sexton,
ingresando Kieran Marmion y Joey Carbery.
Finalmente Escocia en su feudo de Murrayfield en Edimburgo, dio vueltas el
resultado para vencer a Francia por 32-26, corriendo siempre desde atrás y donde destacó Teddy Thomas autor de un doblete
para un parcial al descanso de 20-14. El segundo tiempo mostró a una Francia
indisciplinada en defensa y en frente había un pateador implacable, el medio
scrum Greig Laidlaw que acertó seis penales (ya había metido dos conversiones)
para dar vuelta el resultado en el final. Y fue el Man of the Match.El Cardo
logró su primer triunfo tras la caída ante Gales en el debut. A Francia,
nuevamente, le dieron vuelta el partido en los minutos finales por lo que es crisis
profunda para el entrenador debutante Jacques Brunel que enfrentará a su ex
equipo, Italia en Marsella.
Ireland, candidates for the European Six Nations crown
Two rounds have already been played and three more remain
to be played, in the European Six Nations 2018, but they already stand out as
favorites for the conquest of the scepter, England, the double outgoing
champion and Ireland, the main challenger. On the second round of Saturday England had to battle as host at Cathedral
of rugby, Twickenham, to overcome Wales by narrow 12-6. Ireland
gave an account of Italy at temple of
Lansdowne Road in Dublin, by forceful 56-19.
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Both have 9 points, ahead of Wales
with 6, Scotland 4, France 2 and Italy 0. On the first round two weeks ago,
Ireland had a hard time beating France at the Stade de France in Paris by 13-15
with a drop in injured
time (83 ') of fly half Jonathan Sexton. While England in its visit to
Olympic of Rome, crushed to Italy by 46-15 emphasizing that both claimants to
the throne have squad for changes of the
same hierarchy and even with greater game than the holder. Wales had two very
clear situations to be able to turn the game but Scott Williams did not get to
support the try by centimeters in the first half; then,
a kick in the back came a second before Evans arrived. England
achieved a vital triumph for the tri champion. Ireland left no doubt in Dublin and thrashed
Italy by 56-19 with a solid performance, dominating the game and when he felt
that the result was sealed moved the bank and gave chances to the visit to
discount with three tries after the partial 42 -0.
With a sweeping start, Ireland needed 20 minutes to get up with tries from
Robbie Henshaw, Conor Murray and New Zealander Bundee Aki. The
wing Keith Earls supported the fourth conquest so that the first half it finishes 28-0 in favor of the premises.
In second half, at 4' Henshaw intercepted a pass from the Argentinian number eight Sergio Parisse and scored the fifth try. The centre was injured on the play and had to leave the field, but also left the feeling that the game was settled. This was also understood by his coach, New Zealander Joe Smidt, who replaced the media pair at the 51st: Conor Murray-Jonathan Sexton, joining Kieran Marmion and Joey Carbery. Finally Scotland at fief of Murrayfield in Edinburgh, turned the result to win to France by 32-26, running always from behind and where French Teddy Thomas stood out author of a double try for a partial to the rest of 20-14. The second half showed an undisciplined France in defense and in front there was a relentless scorer, scrum half Greig Laidlaw who hit six penalties (he had already made two conversions) to turn the result into the final. And was Man of the Match. The Thistle squad achieved its first triumph after the fall against Wales in debut.
In second half, at 4' Henshaw intercepted a pass from the Argentinian number eight Sergio Parisse and scored the fifth try. The centre was injured on the play and had to leave the field, but also left the feeling that the game was settled. This was also understood by his coach, New Zealander Joe Smidt, who replaced the media pair at the 51st: Conor Murray-Jonathan Sexton, joining Kieran Marmion and Joey Carbery. Finally Scotland at fief of Murrayfield in Edinburgh, turned the result to win to France by 32-26, running always from behind and where French Teddy Thomas stood out author of a double try for a partial to the rest of 20-14. The second half showed an undisciplined France in defense and in front there was a relentless scorer, scrum half Greig Laidlaw who hit six penalties (he had already made two conversions) to turn the result into the final. And was Man of the Match. The Thistle squad achieved its first triumph after the fall against Wales in debut.
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